PRESS RELEASE Xeikon N.V. Trading update Q3 2013

Eede, The Netherlands - November 15, 2013 8:00 CET - Xeikon N.V. ('Xeikon') saw its sales for the third quarter of 2013 fall by 29% compared with the same period last year. Sales during the period from January to September 2013 were down 9.3% from EUR 88.3 million to EUR 80.1 million. This fall over the first three quarters of 2013 is entirely due to the Prepress Solutions segment.

Change in sales

The main developments in sales were as follows:
• Per segment: during the period from January to September 2013, Digital Printing Solutions achieved a level of sales equal to that for the same period in 2012, whereas Prepress Solutions sales over this period were down by 35%. In the third quarter, Digital Printing Solutions sales were 22% lower than in the third quarter of 2012. At Prepress Solutions, third quarter sales were down 52% on last year.
The slowdown at Digital Printing Solutions in the third quarter is due to the fact that last year the DRUPA fair took place in the second quarter. Labelexpo Europe 2013 was held this year, but not until the end of the third quarter.
The downturn at Prepress Solutions is due to significantly lower sales on the newspaper printing market. Xeikon expects a larger contribution from sales in the packaging market (ThermoflexX) in the future.
• Per activity/product: equipment sales during the first three quarters of 2013 were 15.2% lower than in the same period last year; recurring income from consumables and service activities during the same period were 5.2% down.

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Xeikon N.V. - Brieversstraat 70 - 4529 GZ Eede - The Netherlands -

• Per region: in both America and Asia, sales during the first three quarters of 2013 rose by 15%
compared with the first three quarters of 2012. In Europe, they fell by 23% over the same period.


The group does not wish to announce any concrete forecasts.

Purchase of treasury shares

The management has made use of the authority granted to it to purchase treasury shares. Under this authority, the management is empowered to purchase treasury shares up to the maximum quantity that may be vested in the company by virtue of the law and the articles of association at the time of acquisition, at a price between their par value and 110% of the stock-market price at the time of acquisition. In its quarterly trading updates, the company will report periodically on the number of treasury shares purchased and the average acquisition price. As at the end of September 2013, the company had purchased a total of
3,152,332 Xeikon shares at an average price of EUR 2.68. This represents 10.98% of the total number of shares outstanding.

Financial calendar

Publication of full-year results 2013 February 26, 2014
Annual report 2013 available April 16, 2014
Trading update first quarter 2014 May 16, 2014
General Meeting of Shareholders May 28, 2014
Publication of half-year results 2014 August 22, 2014
For further information, please contact: Wim Maes, CEO +31 (0)117 37 50 20
Cees den Ouden, CFO +31 (0)117 37 50 20

Attachment: Detailed change in sales About Xeikon

Xeikon N.V. (XEI: AEX) is an innovator in digital printing technology. The company designs, develops, and delivers web-fed digital color presses for labels and packaging applications, document printing, as well as commercial printing. These presses utilize LED-array- based dry toner electrophotography, open workflow software, and application-specific toners. As an OEM supplier, Xeikon designs and produces plate makers for newspaper offset printing applications. Xeikon also manufactures basysPrint computer-to-plate (CtP) solutions for the commercial printing market. These proven CtP systems combine the latest exposure techniques with cost-efficient UV plate technology, high imaging quality and flexibility. For the flexographic market, Xeikon offers digital platemaking systems under the ThermoFlexX brand name. ThermoFlexX systems provide high-resolution plate exposure including screening, color management, as well as workflow management. All the Xeikon solutions are designed with the overarching principles of profitability, quality, flexibility, and sustainability in mind. With these guiding principles and a deep, intimate knowledge of its customers, Xeikon continues to be one of the industry's leading innovators of products and solutions. For more information, visit

Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements. Any forward-looking statement applies only on the date of this press release. Such statements are based on current expectations and convictions and, by their nature, are subject to a number of known and unknown risks and uncertainties as a result of which the actual results and performance may differ substantially from expected future results or performance expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. The information and views contained in this press release may change without prior notice, and Xeikon N.V. has neither the intention nor the obligation to update forward-looking statements in this communication, except insofar as it is obliged to do so by any applicable legislation or by the rules of any stock exchange on which its shares may be traded.

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Xeikon N.V. - Brieversstraat 70 - 4529 GZ Eede - The Netherlands -

Detailed change in sales Xeikon N.V.

2013 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 YTD H1

in thousand EUR

Sales per segment

Digital Printing Solutions 22,773 24,229 19,068 66,070 47,002

Prepress Solutions 4,863 5,689 3,493 14,045 10,552

Total sales 27,636 29,918 22,561 80,115 57,554 Sales per activity/product

Equipment 10,338 13,018 6,929 30,285 23,356

Consumables and service 17,298 16,900 15,632 49,830 34,198

Total sales 27,636 29,918 22,561 80,115 57,554 Sales per region

Europe 14,054 16,259 11,854 42,167 30,313

Americas 10,055 9,572 8,110 27,737 19,627

Asia (including Australia and New-

Zealand) 3,527 4,087 2,597 10,211 7,614

Total sales 27,636 29,918 22,561 80,115 57,554

2012 Q1 2012 Q2 2012 Q3 2012 YTD H1

in thousand EUR

Sales per segment

Digital Printing Solutions 20,298 21,706 24,586 66,590 42,004

Prepress Solutions 6,992 7,373 7,332 21,697 14,365

Total sales 27,290 29,079 31,918 88,287 56,369 Sales per activity/product

Equipment 9,873 11,731 14,129 35,733 21,604

Consumables and service 17,417 17,348 17,789 52,554 34,765

Total sales 27,290 29,079 31,918 88,287 56,369 Sales per region

Europe 17,074 20,788 17,336 55,198 37,862

Americas 7,420 6,335 10,451 24,206 13,755

Asia (including Australia and New-

Zealand) 2,796 1,956 4,131 8,883 4,752

Total sales 27,290 29,079 31,918 88,287 56,369

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Xeikon N.V. - Brieversstraat 70 - 4529 GZ Eede - The Netherlands -

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