Burson-Marsteller (www.burson-marsteller.com), a leading global public relations and communications firm, announced today the establishment of a strategic partnership with Targeted Victory (www.targetedvictory.com), a digitally-focused political and advocacy strategy firm.

?We are thrilled about our partnership with Targeted Victory,? said Jay Leveton, Executive Vice President Worldwide. ?Targeted Victory has developed some of the most digitally savvy political campaigns of recent years for its clients. We are happy to have their expertise as a resource we can tap for our clients.?

Targeted Victory's focus on utilizing digital technology to manage awareness and engagement campaigns has made it a leader in digital advertising in the political arena. Founded in February 2009, Targeted Victory has quickly grown into serving over 40 clients including Marco Rubio for Senate, Susana Martinez for Governor of New Mexico, and Mitt Romney's Free & Strong America PAC. This experience includes the strategy, development, and placement of millions of dollars in online advertising campaigns.

Burson-Marsteller and Targeted Victory will provide clients with strategic communications and messaging counsel as well as assistance developing digital strategies that leverage online advertising, mobile communications, social networking, and integrated data management.

?This partnership will enable Targeted Victory to continue to grow and solidify our role as one of the leading digital advocacy firms,? said Targeted Victory co-founder Michael Beach. ?Burson-Marsteller is a global leader and has an outstanding reputation for utilizing digital technology. We hope to further that effort.?

Additionally, Targeted Victory has developed with one of its partners, Lotame Solutions, Inc., a proprietary technology dubbed the Audience Targeting Platform (ATP). This platform is used for pre-campaign audience discovery, in-campaign activation and optimization, and post-campaign analysis. ATP goes beyond typical channel-based targeting solutions and reaches constituents and consumers living within any U.S. state based on specific audience targeting.

?Digital media and technology play a crucial role in every aspect of a modern organization? said Targeted Victory co-founder Zac Moffatt. ?We are excited about this partnership and share Burson-Marsteller's commitment to providing excellent client services.?

About Targeted Victory

Targeted Victory (www.targetedvictory.com) is a leader in online advertising, online and mobile communications, social networking, and integrated data management for political candidates and causes. Along with our technology services, we provide comprehensive web design and development services and strategic campaign management. We provide all of our clients with a custom strategy to best achieve their organization's goals, incorporating a combination of these core services and others that fit your needs.

About Burson-Marsteller

Burson-Marsteller (www.burson-marsteller.com), established in 1953, is a leading global public relations and communications firm. It provides clients with strategic thinking and program execution across a full range of public relations, public affairs, advertising and web-related services. The firm's seamless worldwide network consists of 67 offices and 71 affiliate offices, together operating in 98 countries across six continents. Burson-Marsteller is a part of Young & Rubicam Brands, a subsidiary of WPP (NASDAQ: WPPGY), one of the world's leading communications services networks.

Paul Cordasco, 212-614-4522
Twitter: @BMGlobalNews
Targeted Victory
Abe Adams, 334-549-8981
Twitter: @TargetedVictory