On July 2, 2024, With Us Corporation announced it held its Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on June 27, 2024 and according to the results, the shareholder proposal by Global ESG Strategy on, 1 Deletion of Article 38 of the Articles of Incorporation (the decision-making body for dividends of surplus, etc.), 2. Appropriation of surplus funds,3. Partial amendment to the articles of incorporation (dividend policy for surplus), 4. Partial amendment to the articles of incorporation (restrictions on the appointment of directors of consolidated subsidiaries), 5. Partial amendments to the articles of incorporation (directors and managers with experience as directors or executives of other companies in the same industry), 6. Partial amendment to the articles of incorporation (regarding criteria for selection of directors), 7. Partial amendments to the articles of incorporation (regarding directors' meetings with shareholders), 8. Abolition of takeover defense measures, 9. Deletion of Article 18 of the Articles of Incorporation (Regarding the deletion of articles such as the introduction of takeover defense measures), 10. Partial amendment to the articles of incorporation (applicability of takeover defense measures to persons related to the founder)were rejected.