Sinwa Limited reported unaudited consolidated earnings results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2017. For the quarter, the company reported revenue of SGD 39,787,000 compared to SGD 40,720,000 a year ago. Profit before income tax was SGD 2,814,000 compared to SGD 2,821,000 a year ago. Profit attributable to owners of the company was SGD 2,296,000 compared to SGD 2,234,000 a year ago. Net cash from operating activities was SGD 4,915,000 compared to SGD 2,207,000 a year ago. The increase in net cash from operating activities was mainly due to lower inventory kept for the quarter compared to same quarter last year. Purchase of property, plant and equipment was SGD 670,000 compared to SGD 226,000 a year ago. Basic and diluted earnings per share were 0.67 cents compared to 0.65 cents a year ago. For the first three months of the financial year 2017, the Group's revenue was marginally decreased by 2.3%. The decrease in revenue was mainly due to the slower demand from the marine and offshore supply business in Australia.