Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp. provided the following market update regarding its Weld County Colorado oil and gas lease, to clarify its attributes as its status has been the subject of investor speculation. In 2015, the Company acquired Black Range Minerals Limited (Black Range) which owned, among other assets, a non-core Weld County Colorado property called the Bullen Property. Black Range’s Keota Uranium Project ran from 2008 to 2013, and at its peak there were five strategic interests which comprised approximately 3,300 acres in the Keota Uranium District. After the project ceased, the Bullen Property’s 160 acres were the only acreage retained by Black Range in Weld County. The Bullen Property is located within the Denver-Julesburg Basin (D-J Basin) giving it an oil and gas mineral value. In 2017, the full 160 acres were leased under a three year oil and gas lease for a $120,000 bonus payment to the Company. In 2020, a three year extension of the lease was exercised for an additional bonus payment of $180,000. Notably, the lease agreement allows the Company to retain property rights to 139 surface acres and vanadium, uranium, and other mineral resources. During 2020 Bison Oil & Gas traded this lease to Mallard Exploration (Mallard), Mallard filed an application with the Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) for a new order to establish a drilling and spacing unit and set the maximum number of horizontal wells that may be drilled. The field rules were approved on August 24, 2020 (COGCC Order No. 535-1325). This order pooled five adjoining parcels into a 3,200 acre pooled unit and set the maximum number of wells at 24. A total of 16 wells have been permitted in the Unit, and Mallard is currently in the process of drilling 8 wells in the southern portion of the Unit. These wells are expected to be completed and begin production by the 3rd quarter. If the southern wells are successful, then it is likely Mallard will proceed to drill the next set of 8 wells in the northern portion of the Unit. The Company has a 5% (160 acres /3,200 acres) participation on all oil and gas production within the Unit. For all oil and gas substances that are physically produced and sold, a royalty of three-sixteenth (3/16th) of the sales proceeds will be payable under the lease. However, as a result of a 2019 lawsuit regarding the Weld County Colorado deed language, the Company settled by awarding the plaintiff a non-participating royalty interest of one-eighth of all hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon substances that are produced and sold from this property. If operator targets are met, royalty payments could begin in the fourth quarter.