Wearable Devices Ltd. announce successful demonstrations of its Mudra technology on Lenovo's ThinkReality XR headset, at the Augmented World Expo (AWE) 2024. This demonstration with Lenovo's advanced extended reality (XR) hardware based on Qualcomm?s Snapdragon Chipset and Spaces engine showcased the potential for enhanced user interaction and engagement. Attendees of AWE 2024 had the unique opportunity to experience the seamless integration of Wearable Devices' Mudra technology with Lenovo's ThinkReality headset.

This integration leverages the advanced neural input technology developed by Wearable Devices to provide natural and intuitive control within XR environments, offering users a more immersive and interactive experience. The demonstrations at AWE highlighted the versatility and potential of combining Mudra technology with the ThinkReality headset, showcasing various use cases, including gaming, enterprise applications and more.