Details Published on Thursday, 14 May 2015 09:20

WASKO S.A. appreciated at

On 15 - 17 April 2015 in Wrocław representatives of COIG SA participated in the Mobile City Forum connected with the 15th International Transport Telematics Conference. The events undertook the issues related to Intelligent Transport Systems. Not without a reason the host of the event was the city of Wrocław which had just finished implementation of the largest for the time being ITS system in Poland. The project was fully completed by the Consortium of WASKO-Gertrude. The conference was found very interesting above all by territorial government authorities, representatives of cities and boroughs as well as scientific groups and companies in sectors developing solutions in ITS systems.
The main topics of the Forum were conditions for development and modernisation of city transport systems, including functioning of support instruments for undertakings initiated by local authorities. During the meeting the latest technological solutions were presented serving the purpose of improvement of mobility of cities and improvement of traffic management as well as experience acquired during hitherto implementations of intelligent transport systems in various cities. During field trips the Forum participants could learn about solutions implemented by WASKO in Wrocław Centre for Management of Traffic and Public Transport (CZRiTP).

The 15th International Conference in Telematics of Tranport Systems accompanying the Forum was dedicated to scientific issues connected with improvement of intelligent transport systems and implementation of telematics achievements for transport control.

The field trip to Wrocław Centre for Management of Traffic and Public Transport (CZRiTP).
Great interest was enjoyed by the visit of conference participants taking place in Wrocław CZRiTP centre, which, as one of many investments was performed within ITS Wrocław project by the consortium of WASKO - GERTRUDE. During the last day of the forum the Centre was visited by over 100 people.

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