Next Day Disclosure Return

(Equity issuer- clumges in issued slwre capita/ ami/or slwre buybacks)

Name of listed issuer: Wanda Commerciai Properties CGroup) Co.. Limited
Stock code: 169 Date submitted: 24 Janumy 2014
For Main Board listed issuers

Section I must be completed by a listed issuer where tlzere has been a change in its issued share ccqJital which is discloseable pursuant to rule 13.25A oj the Rules (t/te

"Listing Rules'') Goveming the Listing oj Securities on T/te Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Exchange'').

Section II musi a/so be completed by a listed issuer where it has made a repurchase of shares which is discloseable under l'li!e 10.06(4)(a).

Descriptio n of secul'ities: __,O""n,h,·n"'a"r..I,...;yS"b"'a"r.!::es
Issues of sbares

(Notes 6 and 7)

as a% of Closing % discount/

No. of sbares existing issucd sbare Issuc price per sbare per sbare of premium of issue price capitai before relevant (Notes l and 7) immediatcly preceding to markct price

sbare issue business day (Note 7)

balance as at

(Note 3) Rights lssue

Share repurchases
856,773,210 30% HKD2.88 HKD 3.33 13.51% discount
Closing balance as at

8) 3,712,683,913

Notes to Sectionl:

l. Where shares have been issued al more than one issue price per share, a -weighted average issue price per share should be given.

For Main Board listed issuers

2. P/ease iiiSertthe closing ba/ance date ofthe fast Next Day Disc/osure Retll/'11 published pursuantto ru/e /3.25A or Monthly Return pursuant lo rule 13.25B, whichever is the late!:

3. P/ease set out al/ changes in issued share capita/ requiring disc/osure pursuant to ru/e !3.25A together with the relevant dates of issue. Each categoiJ' willneed to be disc/osed individual/y with Sl(ffìcient informa/ionio enable the user lo identifj• the relevant categol)' in the /isted issuer's Monthly Return. For examp!e, multiple issues ofshares as a result of multiple exercises of share options under the same share optian scheme or of multiple conversions under the same convertible note musi be aggregateci and disclosed as one category. Howeve1; ifthe issues resultedfi·om exercises ofshare options under 2 share option schemes or conversions of2 convertible notes, these musi be disclosed as 2 separate categories.

4. The percentage change in the listed issuer 's issued share capita/ is /o be ca/cu/ated by reference lo the listed issuer 's /o/al issued share capitai (exc/uding for such purpose any sltares repurchased or redeemed but noi yet cancelled) as it 1vas immediately befm·e the earliest relevanl evenl which has noi been disclosed in a Monthly Return or Nexl Day Disclosure Return.

5. Where trading inthe shares ofthe /isted issuer has been suspended, "c/osing market price per share ofthe immediately preceding business day" should be construed as "c/osing market price per share ofthe business day on which the shares were /asttraded".

6. Inthe con/ex/ of a repurchase ofshares:

• "issues ofshares" should be construed as "repurchases ofshares"; and

• "issued shares as a% of existing issued share capita/ before relevant share issue" should be construed as "repurchased shares as a% of e-risting issued share capita/ before relevant share repurchase ".

7. Inthe context of a redemption of shares:

• "issues of shares" should be construed as "redemptions of shares ";

• "issued shares as a% of existing issued share capitai befm·e relevant share issue" should be construed as "redeemed shares as a% of existing issued share capitai bej01·e relevant share redemption"; and

• "issue price per share" should be construed as "redemption price per share".

8. The closing ba/ance date is the date of the fast relevant event being disc/osed.


A. Purchase report

Far Main Board listed issuers

Trading date
Numberof securities purchased
Method of purchase


Price per share or highest price paid $
Lowest price paid $ Total paid $

B. Additional information for issuer whose primaty listing is on the Exchange

l. Number of such securities purchased on the Exchange in the year to date (since ordinary resolution)

2. % of issued share capitai at time ordinaty resolution passed acquired on the Exchange since date of resolution

((a)x 100)

issued share capitai
(a) _


We hereby confirm that the repurchases set out in A above which were made on the Exchange were made in accorda nce with the Listing Rules and that there have been no materia!changes to the particulars contained in the Explanatory Statement dated which has been filed with the Exchange. We also confirm that any purchases set out in A above which were made on another stock exchange were made in accordance with the domestic rules applying to purchases made on that other exchange.

Note lo Sectim1 II:

Please state whether on t/w Exchange, on another stock exchange (slating t/w name ofthe exchange), by private arrangement or by genera/ offeJ:

Submitted by: Hui Wai Man, Shirley
Title: Secretmy
(Directot; Secretmy or other duly authorised officer)

distributed by