Wacom Co., Ltd. announced personnel changes effective May 30, 2024: Yoichi Machida retirement as Chief Financial Officer and appointment of Amane Kojima, Executive Vice President, Head of Finance, as Chief Financial Officer.
Mr. Amane Kojima joined the Company on May 20, 2024. He possesses exceptional experiences in corporate strategy, accounting and finance operations mainly through serving as Director, CFO of a company listed on the TSE 1st section (current Prime) and Director, group CFO of a company affiliated with a major investment company. The Company expects his expertise and leadership will contribute to an increase of its corporate value by supporting the management team starting in June from financial perspectives. Amane Kojima Date of birth: April 9, 1968. Brief career history: April 1992 - Nissho Iwai Corporation (current Sojitz Corporation), January 2003 - Metal One Corporation, March 2011 - Asahi Holdings Inc. (current ARE Holdings Inc.), June 2017 - Director, CFO, December 2021- Director, Group CFO, ALTEMIRA Co., Ltd., May 2024 - Joined the Company Executive Vice President, Head of Finance (current position).