VST Industries Limited announced that Demand notice for CC dues issued for HT services availed by the Company which is outstanding as on May 31, 2024 Amount: INR 3,665,555/-. Date of receipt of direction or order, including any ad-interim or interim orders, or any other communication from the authority is June 21, 2024. The demand pertains to the re-determined amount of cross subsidy surcharge levied under 39(2)(d)(ii), 40 (c)(ii) and 42(2) of the
Electricity Act, 2003 by the department on the company for availing power through open access. The financial impact of the aforesaid notice is to the extent of the said demand. The Company is in the process of evaluating the
future course of action including filing a reply against the said notice. Name of the authority: The Superintending Engineer, SPDCTL, Operations Central Circle, Hyderabad ­ 01.