ENERGY33 collaborated with VPower Group and City Peten to develop a 13 MW natural gas power plant at City Peten's gas production facility in Peten, Guatemala and signed a 15-year energy sales contract beginning in May 2026 with AMM, Guatemala's energy administrator. This project was developed to take advantage of environmentally friendly natural gas-based power, replacing existing coal and heavy fuel resources that have traditionally supplied a portion of power generation throughout much of the year in Guatemala. The power plant began selling energy to the spot market in April 2024 and attained the classification as an "Efficient Firm Energy Plant" in June 2024.

ENERGY33 led the project's development, overseeing its financial, technical and legal structuring, and facilitating the collaboration among the partners. City Peten, a key player in Guatemala's Hydrocarbons Exploration Sector, is providing the gas from its Peten facility. VPower Group, a global leader in engine-based decentralized power generation, contributed power generation equipment and assumed responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the power plant.