Brei­ten­bach, April 13, 2022 - Von Roll is fur­ther expan­ding its site in Italy for the gro­wing busi­ness with pot­ting resins in the auto­mo­tive and elec­tro­nics indus­tries. For this pur­pose, the com­pany has secu­red an adja­cent plot of land at the Tro­fa­rello site in Italy.

Pot­ting com­pounds play a cru­cial role in the deve­lo­p­ment of par­ti­cu­larly high-per­for­mance bat­te­ries for electric cars. Von Roll is the world lea­der in electri­cal insu­la­tion sys­tems and intends to streng­t­hen its pre­sence in this pro­mi­sing market.

The invest­ment is worth several mil­lion euros and will be used to expand pro­duc­tion and wareh­ouse capa­ci­ties as well as R&D resour­ces and to set up a cus­to­mer expe­ri­ence center.

Fabio Davie, Pro­duc­tion Mana­ger at the Tro­fa­rello site, says: "I am very happy about the appro­val of this invest­ment. We are cur­r­ently in mul­ti­ple dis­cus­sions with lea­ding OEMs, with the poten­tial to dou­ble sales at the Tro­fa­rello site over the medium term."

Von Roll sup­plies its glo­bal cus­to­mers with resin and pot­ting com­pounds through addi­tio­nal sites in France, North Ame­rica, India and China.

About Von Roll Hol­ding AG:As a Swiss indus­trial com­pany, Von Roll Hol­ding AG focu­ses on pro­ducts and sys­tems for power genera­tion, trans­mis­sion, sto­rage and dis­tri­bu­tion. Von Roll is a glo­bal mar­ket lea­der for electri­cal insu­la­tion pro­ducts, sys­tems and ser­vices, and has a world­wide pre­sence in 14 sites with around 1,000 employees. The com­pany sup­plies cus­to­mers in over 80 countries.


Elke Klein, Cor­po­rate Communications

T: +41 61 785 58 86, E:

For more infor­ma­tion on the com­pany and its busi­ness per­for­mance, please refer to the Annual and Semi-Annual Report of Von Roll Hol­ding AG which is avail­able in digi­tal form at


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Von Roll Holding AG published this content on 13 April 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 13 April 2022 04:54:05 UTC.