Volatus Aerospace Corp. announced that it has secured the first production delivery slot for the Natilus N3.8T large autonomous drone under development by Natilus Inc. of San Diego California, USA. Natilus is the leading developer of large autonomous cargo drone freighters designed to dramatically reduce both the cost and environmental impact of air freight.

The Natilus N3.8T is the first in a family of next-generation freight aircraft. The twin-engine turboprop will have a maximum takeoff weight of 8,618 kg (19,000 lbs.), a maximum range of 1,667 km (1,035 miles) and is expected to carry a load of LD3 containers to a maximum weight of 3,855 kg (8,500 lbs.) Natilus integrates three specific technologies to create increased efficiencies: Blended Wing Body (BWB) design, remote-pilot operation, and standard container standardization. The Natilus N3.8T offers an estimated 60% more cargo volume than traditional aircraft of the same weight while reducing costs and carbon dioxide per pound by 50%.

The aircraft has completed the second wind tunnel test and is expected to begin deliveries in 2025.