VitalHub Corp. announced the sale of B Care to The Salvation Army Toronto Grace Health Centre (TGHC). TGHC sought a comprehensive, web-based Electronic Health Record that would support their patient’s journey and allow caregivers to provide seamless, integrated care across their organization from pre-registration through to discharge, for both In-Patient and Ambulatory and Community-based Programs. An integrated Pharmacy Information System and eMAR are key functional requirements to ensure that patient safety at TGHC is enhanced through an efficient and effective medication dispensing, administration and reconciliation workflow. This sale follows a lengthy and extensive evaluation undertaken by TGHC of competitive EHR solutions that included visits to key clients.  The initial deployment will be hosted on-premise and includes an option for TGHC to transition to a Software As A Service agreement if desired. This project is being deployed in three phases. TGHC has contractually committed to Phase One, with the intent to deploy the other phases over a period of 18-24 months.  The first phase will include the implementation of the ADT (Admission, Discharge and Transfer), EMPI (Enterprise Master Patient Index) and various interfaces to third party systems.  Phases two and three will focus on the implementation of Clinical Documentation including a variety of canned assessments and conclude with the deployment of the Pharmacy Information System, Order Entry and eMAR (Electronic Medication Administration Record). The revenue associated with the three phases of this project is anticipated to exceed $1M with approximately 60% of that total allocated to software licensing. TGHC plays a vital role providing patient-centered care for individuals with multifaceted chronic diseases who require Complex Continuing Care, Post-Acute Care Rehabilitation and Palliative Care. Operating in the heart of downtown Toronto it’s renowned for the compassionate care that it provides and the clinical excellence of its team.