Visteon Corporation unveiled its AllGo App Store at CES® 2022 as one of the latest solutions in its growing portfolio of connected car technologies for the mobility industry. The AllGo App Store is designed to meet the growing global demand for safe and convenient ways to access app-based content in a smart, connected cockpit. It features automotive-optimized versions of the most sought-after mobility, navigation, parking and infotainment apps around the world and leverages Visteon's pioneering work in in-vehicle infotainment, providing next-level integration based on Android Automotive.

Visteon's AllGo App Store provides automakers with connected car experiences that can be customized for their customers by brand, model, trim level or even geolocation. A dedicated portal for automakers includes certified apps that are pre-filtered to the countries where the car company operates and gives them full control over which applications they wish to offer through their own customizable app store platforms. Visteon refines, scales and adapts Android apps for in-vehicle use. Optimizing the interface for every app is important to prevent distorted scale or low-resolution visuals.

Over-the-air updates are made seamlessly through the AllGo App Store, and the system provides a pipeline for future monetization opportunities. In-vehicle users want the same infotainment experience they have come to expect from their smart phones and TVs. With the AllGo App Store, customers can seamlessly access pre-loaded apps for driver-centric functions such things as navigation, parking, charging locations, audio and podcast playback—all customized for their vehicle.

The App Store is keyword searchable and includes applications that have been validated and optimized for the best in-vehicle experience. Visteon has been working in partnership with dozens of early-stage app developers around the world to create a pipeline of exciting new automotive-optimized apps. The AllGo App Store developer portal allows providers a self-service method to create, manage and monitor apps.

Visteon provides a dedicated validation team and process for currently available and new applications to become trusted options for AllGo App Store distribution. Once onboarded, content and service providers have an access point to the platform so that content can grow organically. The AllGo App Store is the latest in Visteon's long tradition of introducing innovative technologies for the mobility industry at CES.

The company will mark its 22nd year at the show in 2022. Visit Visteon's display at the Paris Hotel Las Vegas Meeting and Convention Space Jan. 5-7 for more information about the AllGo App Store.