EXperience, EXpertise, EXecution, EXpansion and EXcellence : the SHIFT5 plan's five transformation levers


  • €500m in sales, 50% of which internationally

  • €100m in ARR SaaS subscription (Annual Recurring Revenue)

  • Excellence in terms of CSR performance


Lyon, France, 20 September 2023 – 7:30 am. Visiativ, a digital transformation and innovation expert for small and medium-sized businesses, is listed on Euronext Growth in Paris (FR0004029478, ALVIV).


Today, Visiativ announced its new long-term ambitions via its 2024-2028 strategic plan. Dubbed SHIFT5, this new plan seeks to build on the success of the previous AUDEO, NEXT100 and CATALYST plans which have enabled Visiativ to progressively become the preferred strategic partner of SMEs and mid-sized companies, helping them to step up their innovation effort and transform their companies.

Today, against a backdrop of profound change (increasingly fierce competition and an ever-greater need for innovation, acceleration of the digital revolution, climate and environmental emergencies, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence), the need for companies to transform has undoubtedly never been greater or more pressing.

Operating in a buoyant market context, Visiativ's ambition with SHIFT5 is to further enhance its position as a preferred and trusted partner for companies, helping them to rise to the critical challenges inherent in their technological and business transformations.

SHIFT5 is intended to make Visiativ an all-in-one software and consulting partner for businesses, and to leverage the commercial synergies that exist between all of the Group's activities.


In the words of Laurent Fiard, Chairman and CEO of Visiativ:

"In the space of just a few years, Visiativ has become a major player in the transformation of businesses, establishing itself as the strategic partner of SMEs and mid-sized companies for bringing innovation to the heart of their business and industrial processes. Visiativ has successfully extended its unique value proposition and strengthened its customer base, which now comprises some 23,000 companies.

Through our SHIFT5 strategic plan, we aim to further this influence by working ever closer to our customers and strengthening our international presence.

Following on from our previous AUDEO and NEXT100 strategic plans, SHIFT5 is an offensive plan for growth intended to, once again, double Visiativ's size and, by stepping up our international activity, take our sales to the €500 million mark by 2028. It is also a plan to transform our subscription-based model, with the goal of reaching €100 million in annual recurring revenue - ARR SaaS subscription - by that same date.

Moreover, our commitment to CSR is central to the SHIFT5 plan. Accordingly, we aim to reduce our carbon emissions, maintain diversity within our workforce, increase the number of disabled employees and support local philanthropy. In this respect, our goal is clear: to be among the CSR leaders."



The SHIFT5 plan comprises 5 major pillars:

  • EXecution: for several years now, Visiativ has stood apart in the market thanks to its unique value proposition focused on innovation and business transformation, a culture that caters to customer expectations and which prompts numerous commercial synergies (cross-selling and up-selling), and a now strategic international footprint.
    While rapid execution is one of the keys to success in any digital transformation project, Visiativ intends to go further with SHIFT5 on all these fronts by developing a unified customer experience, and globally industrialising its transformation processes based on its Visiativ Innovation Engine value proposition for advice, solutions and connections.
  • EXperience: over the course of 35 years of development, Visiativ has supported more than 23,000 customers, undertaken thousands of innovation projects and solution deployments, and carried out hundreds of diagnostics and roadmaps to help companies in their transformation.
    Its robust customer base, associated communities (myCAD, LeClub, Entreprise DU FUTUR, etc.) and track record in terms of innovation and transformation will form the basis of Visiativ's development over the coming years in order to shore up its leadership. SHIFT5 will see the launch of new innovative initiatives, including Visiativ Transformer, a collaborative solution for managing business transformation, and the Observatory of Transformation and Innovation Experiences.
  • EXpertise: by working closely with businesses and advancing their transformations, Visiativ has acquired genuine technological expertise (agile methods, development infrastructures, cloud and native applications, cybersecurity), while firmly establishing its proficiency in industrial processes.
    It intends to share all these skills and expertise with its customers through its Visiativ Agora technology platform, offering them a unified experience and meeting the expectations of SMEs looking to tap into the full value of their corporate data to spur their digital, social and environmental transformation.
  • EXpansion: in recent years, Visiativ has successfully won over new customers and expanded its customer base, taking its portfolio from around 14,000 customers in 2015 to around 23,000 in 2022. Meanwhile, the company's development has been underpinned by targeted acquisitions to strengthen its offering and expand its scope beyond France.
    While pursuing this conquest through cross-selling and up-selling, one of Visiativ's challenges with SHIFT5 is to ramp up the recurring nature of its activities by developing subscription-based models in order to meet the needs of companies, as well as to extend the scope of its activities internationally by cultivating veritable customer communities, as has been done in France.
  • EXcellence: Visiativ's previous strategic plans enabled it to build a brand platform on the basis of its SHARING IS GROWING promise, foster the development of the employee experience within its various activities, and establish itself as one of the best-performing companies in terms of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility).
    Through SHIFT5, Visiativ seeks to consolidate this excellence by offering a unique branded customer experience, pushing forward the All Visiativ programme dedicated to its employees and, more than ever, delivering sustainable and responsible performance with regard to all its stakeholders in terms of CSR.



Following the success of the AUDEO and NEXT100 growth plans, through which Visiativ increased its sales from €50m to more than €200m, and the focus on profitability via the CATALYST plan, where the Group reached new levels of profitability and generated more than €30m in EBITDA[1] in 2022, the SHIFT5 plan aims to change the company's development profile by focusing on SaaS (Software as a Service).

In this respect, Visiativ has set itself the following financial targets for 2028:

  • Achieve sales of €500m, 50% of which internationally, through a combination of organic growth and acquisitions (compared with sales of €258.8m in 2022, 36% of which internationally);
  • Significantly develop the subscription model to increase ARR to €100m (versus €27.4m at end-December 2022).

By maintaining a high level of profitability, combined with new financing arrangements signed at the end of 2022 for €115m, including a senior loan of up to €70m, the fulfilment of these targets will give Visiativ the financial leeway it needs to implement the external growth component of SHIFT5.



On the strength of its growth and profitability trajectory, Visiativ also seeks to reach a new CSR milestone, where the underlying aim is to place the Group among the best-performing companies in terms of CSR.

Through SHIFT5, Visiativ will step up its efforts in the various areas of its CSR policy:

  • Customer satisfaction, by amplifying the CSR dimension of our offers, and developing a dedicated offering to enable customers to implement their own actions;
  • Governance and responsibility, by reinforcing our ethical requirements with respect to all our stakeholders, and ranking at the top of the list established by ESG rating agencies;
  • Responsible purchasing, by deploying Visiativ's CSR standards with all our suppliers in order to build a responsible value chain;
  • All Visiativ employee experience, by building a truly responsible employer brand and optimising the employee experience internationally;
  • Environmental footprint, by accelerating the reduction of our carbon footprint in the scope of a 2035 trajectory aligned with SBTi's Corporate Net-Zero Standard;
  • Societal footprint, by supporting local philanthropy and linking it to employee commitment.

In terms of CSR objectives, Visiativ has set itself the following targets for 2028:

  • Reduce its carbon emissions by 5% per year (at constant scope);
  • Maintain the percentage of women in the total workforce (32% in 2022);
  • Increase the number of disabled employees in France by 10% per year over the period 2023-2028 (the company had 21 disabled employees in 2022);
  • Maintain the percentage of work-study students in France each year (6% in 2022).

Visiativ is embarking on a new phase in its development, which will enable it to assert itself as the preferred partner of companies, both in France and internationally, wishing to successfully carry out their strategic transformations and bring innovation to the heart of their activities and industrial processes. With SHIFT5, Visiativ has set itself a clear course to align all its employees and to mobilise all energies to achieve these ambitions.


Visiativ's mission is to make digital transformation a performance lever for companies. We do this by co-building alongside our customers, over the long term. We call this our promise: "Sharing, is growing".
We support our customers by providing solutions and services to plan, implement, manage and monitor transformations with a unique and innovative approach through three pillars: Consult (consulting & support), Engage (solutions & deployment) and Connect (communities for exchange and sharing). With over 35 years of proven experience working with more than 23,000 Small & Mid-Market customers, Visiativ has achieved revenues of €259 million in 2022. Visiativ is present in 14 countries (Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Morocco, the Netherlands, Poland, the United Kingdom, U.A.E, USA and Switzerland) and has more than 1,400 employees.
Visiativ (ISIN code FR0004029478, ALVIV) is listed on Euronext Growth in Paris. The share is eligible for PEA and PEA-PME.

For further information visit www.visiativ.com

External Communication
Tel.: +33 (0)4 78 87 29 29
Mathieu OMNES
Tel.: +33 (0)1 53 67 36 92
Serena BONI
Tel.: +33 (0)4 72 18 04 92


[1] €30.6m in EBITDA on a pro-forma basis (€28.4m on a consolidated basis)

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Full and original press release in PDF: https://www.actusnews.com/news/81834-visiativ-pr-shift5-plan-20290920-en-vdef.pdf

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