On April 15, 2024, Vintage Energy Ltd provided an update regarding a notice received from Keybridge Capital Limited under section 249D of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), announced to the ASX on March 27, 2024 ("s 249D Notice"). In the s 249D Notice, Keybridge requested the company to convene a general meeting to consider resolutions for the removal of Reg Nelson, Ian Howarth, and Nick Smart from the board of directors, and to appoint Keybridge nominees Nicholas Bolton and John Patton, effective immediately upon the passing of the resolutions. The Company stated that it has reviewed the s 249D Notice and identified defects rendering it invalid.

Keybridge was informed of these defects and given an opportunity to correct them, but it failed to do so. Consequently, the Company has determined the s 249D Notice to be invalid and will not convene the requested general meeting. Additionally, the Company noted that on April 9, 2024, Keybridge lodged an ASIC Form 605 with the ASX, indicating that it has ceased to be a substantial shareholder in Vintage, holding less than 5%.