National Seed Joint Stock Company (HOSE:NSC) made a tender offer to acquire an additional 21.5% stake in Southern Seed Joint Stock Company (HOSE:SSC) for VND 18.9 billion on January 24, 2015. Under the terms, National Seed will acquire 3.2 million additional shares in Southern Seed at an offer per share of VND 5900 and will hold 61.4% stake in Southern Seed post acquisition. The transaction will be funded from the equity of National Seed.

The transaction is expected to close from 30 days to 60 days after the State Securities Commission approves the tender offer. The transaction was approved by State Securities Commission on March 11, 2015. The offer will commence on March 13, 2015 and will close on April 13, 2015.

Saigon Securities Incorporation (HOSE:SSI) acted as financial advisor for National Seed Joint Stock.