VICOM Ltd. announced changes to the Composition of the Board and Board Committees. A new Sustainability Committee has been established to review the Group's sustainability strategy to ensure alignment of commercial and sustainability considerations for long-term profitability. The Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee have been merged into one single Nominating and Remuneration Committee for better efficiency in the review of the appointment, performance and compensation of Directors and Key Management Persons. Members of Sustainability Committee are: Ms Seah Lee Kiang, June; Mr. Goh Yeow Tin; Mr. Lim Jit Poh; Mr. Sim Wing Yew; Dr Tan Kim Siew; Mr. Yang Ban Seng. Composition of Nominating and Remuneration Committee are Professor Shim Phyau Wui, Victor; Mr. Goh Yeow Tin; Mr. Lim Jit Poh; Mr. Soh Chung Hian, Daniel; Dr Tan Kim Siew; Ms Tan Poh Hong; Ms Wong Yoke Woon.