Current Report no. 10/2015
Issue date: 2015-01-20
Legal basis: Article 56(1)(2) of the Act on Public Offering - current and interim information

Subject: Acquisition of own shares

ABC Data S.A.'s Management Board announces that today a transaction has been conducted involving the acquisition of 6 000 own shares for the purpose of their redemption or subsequent sale as per own shares' purchasing program being implemented. The transaction shall be settled on 22 January 2015. The shares were acquired at an average unit price totaling PLN 3.40 per share. A nominal value of each share amounts to PLN 1 and the shares' total nominal value is PLN 6 000. The number of votes at the Company's General Meeting corresponding to the number of the acquired shares is 6 000. The acquired shares account for 0.005% of the Company's share capital entitling their holders to exercise 0.005% of votes at the Company's General Meetings.
The total number of own shares held by the Company after the transaction is settled will amount to 1 451 779 accounting for 1.16% of the share capital and a total number of votes at the GM. The purchase of own shares which commenced pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Company's Management Board dated 24 June 2014 (current report no. 38/2014 dated 24 June
2014) is effected in line with resolutions adopted by the General Meeting of the Company on
23 June 2014 (current report no. 36/2014 dated 23 June 2014). On 17 November 2014, the Company decided to increase starting 18 November the daily limit of own shares purchased by the Company in excess of 25% of the average daily trading volume and declared that it will not exceed 50% of the average daily trading volume, as reported in the current report 148/2014 dated 17 November 2014.

Signatures of persons representing the Company:





Juliusz Niemotko

Vice President of the

Management Board


Michał Litwinowicz


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