ViaSat Inc. has partnered with The University of California, San Diego, or UCSD, to live stream the University's athletics programs via ViaSat Exede satellite network. The live streaming of events can be watched in real time over the internet from any connected device at UCSDTritons.TV. The partnership brings high-quality viewing of UCSD athletics to sports fans worldwide, enabling current Triton, Triton alumni, Triton fans and general sports enthusiasts the ability to watch UCSD athletics via any internet connection as the games or matches occur.

To live stream the broadcasts, UCSD will be using ViaSat's high-speed live streaming technology - which leverages the power of ViaSat's high-capacity satellite, ViaSat-1, offering 140Gbps, to enable viewers the ability to access key sporting events in unparalleled broadcast quality from any connected location.