* Ventos S.A. reinforce its participation in Turenne Investissement
    and holds 10,26% for a total amount of EURO 1,7 Mios. Created on
    September 7, 2006, Turenne Investissement is a joint stock
    company Investment. It invests in companies with strong growth
    potential, either within the operations department or the capital
    development sector, by supporting the emergence of small and
    medium sized companies of more than 250

  * Ventos S.A. begins its investments in Thenergo. The percentage of
    indirect detention is 2,17% for an amount of EURO 2,8 Mios. The
    investment was carried out via the Belgian subsidiary, Koeda
    S.A., held at 100% by Ventos S.A. Thenergo is a leading developer
    and operator of sustainable energy projects using biomass, biogas
    and cogeneration. Thenergo designs, builds, finances and operates
    projects on behalf of its clients. Thenergo has proven expertise
    in European energy trading markets as well as in trading European
    green power and CHP certificates. This allows it to maximise the
    revenues from sales of excess electricity to the grid. Thenergo's
    range of specialist abilities allows it to create unique
    synergies with its project partners.(www.thenergo.be).

Ventos S.A. is a limited company incorporated under the Luxembourg
law, quoted on the Luxembourg Stock
Exchange and on Alternext Paris. Its vocation is to take interests in
companies quoted or not, in Europe, North
America and Asia.

March, 3rd, 2008

Ventos S.A.
Sandra Pasti
Directeur Général
Tel. : +352.22.59.02-1
Fax. : +352.22.74.69
e-mail : ventos@ventos.lu


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