Velodyne Lidar, Inc. announced a multi-year agreement to provide its lidar sensors to Yamaha Motor for eve autonomy, a joint venture between Yamaha Motor and Tier IV, Inc. eve autonomy's autonomous goods transport service eve auto provides logistical support for factories to improve efficiency and safety. Velodyne has already begun shipping sensors to Yamaha Motor to support an October 2022 launch of eve auto. Yamaha Motor is using Velodyne's Puck [4] lidar sensors to provide localization and navigation capabilities for their eve auto all-in-one automated conveyance service.

Velodyne's lidar sensors enable the small electric vehicles to navigate factory facilities autonomously. eve auto is a full-service solution that provides customers with a quick set up that does not require any construction. Built for both indoor and outdoor applications that allows customers to transport goods autonomously, eve auto has a towing capacity of 1,500 kg and can navigate slopes up to 7 degrees and gaps up to 3 cm.

With operational support offering fleet management and mapping services, eve auto's subscription model provides customers access to maintenance and the latest software. eve auto's autonomous capabilities are enabled by Velodyne's lidar technology and can be connected with existing infrastructures and external systems through web API.