24 December 2013
The Companies Announcements Office
ASX Limited


Ord River Resources Ltd ACN 108 737 711 (Ord) is pleased to advise that its renounceable pro-rata entitlement issue announced o n 22 November 2013 (Rights Issue) closed at 5.00pm (Sydney time), 23 December 2013.
Ord received applications under the Rights Issue in respect of a total of 115,759,391 fully-paid ordinary shares in Ord (New Shares) and 115,759,391 attaching options for a total subscription amount of $578,796.96, including applications for additional shortfall shares.
As indicated in the Replacement Prospectus in connection with the Rights Issue dated 26
November 2013, a maximum of 700,000,000 New Shares and 700,000,000 Attaching Options could be issued under the Rights Issue. As such, Ord anticipates that all applications by eligible shareholders for New Shares and Attaching Options in excess of their entitlements under the Rights Issue will be approved by the Ord Board.
Patersons Securities Limited, in its capacity as underwriter, is also expected to subscribe for a minimum 111,240,609 New Shares and 111,240,609 Attaching Options of the shortfall under the Rights Issue, in accordance with its Underwriting Agreement with Ord.
The allotment and issue of all New Shares and Attaching Options validly subscribed for under the Rights Issue is currently scheduled to occur on 31 December 2013, with trading in all New Shares and Attaching Options expected to commence on 2 January 2014.
If you have any queries in relation to the completion of the Rights Issue, please contact Ord on

+61 2 8004 6667 or Ord's share registry, Boardroom, on +61 2 9290 9600. Yours sincerely,

Frank Zhu

Managing Director for Ord River Resources Ltd

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