(Atlanta, GA, USA, January 15, 2010) Vaisala, global leader in environmental
measurement, participates in the 90th Annual Meeting of the American
Meteorological Society in Atlanta next week. Under the general theme of
"Responsible business, global innovations" Vaisala will present its products and
services, and discuss the company's contributions to climate monitoring and

Vaisala has a booth in the exhibition, and the company's experts will speak in
the 15th Symposium on Meteorological Observation and Instrumentation (details
below). Also, a completely new and innovative instrument for weather and air
quality forecasting will be introduced.

Product demonstrations will be organized throughout the week, including the

Vaisala's reference radiosonde - prototype and first sounding results
In response to demand from the international scientific community, Vaisala is
developing a reference radiosonde, an important instrument in measuring climate
change. The demonstration will introduce a prototype version of the radiosonde,
and share the results of its first sounding tests.

Vaisala Global Lightning Dataset GLD360 - live feed from the global network
Vaisala's GLD360 provides real-time lightning data for the detection and
tracking of severe weather phenomena. The data is provided by Vaisala's own
worldwide network, which detects over two thirds of all lightning strikes coming
to the surface of the earth. The GLD360 is presented to visitors using live data
from the network.

Vaisala Weather Radar - live feed from radar in Finland
Vaisala's family of weather radar products with Sigmet processing represents a
breakthrough in precipitation identification. The dual polarization radar
identifies different types of precipitation, and filters out non-meteorological
targets, like birds. The demonstration will present the radar's capabilities
with live data feed from Vaisala's operational test radar in Kerava, Finland.

All demonstrations take place at Vaisala's booth, no. 608.

Symposium presentations
Session 5: Remote Sensing, Air Quality/Detection of Atmospheric Gases at 11:15
am - Investigation of boundary layer structures with ceilometer using a novel
robust algorithm (Senior Scientist Christoph Münkel)

Session 7: New Observations at 3.30 pm - Upper atmosphere humidity measurement
with the APS sensor - 1st progress report on the Vaisala Reference Radiosonde
Program (Research Manager Heikki Turtiainen)

Press briefing
Vaisala will provide a press briefing on Monday, January 18 at 12:00 pm. The
briefing will include both global and North American business updates, and a
presentation of Vaisala's efforts in providing the best possible measurement
tools for climate monitoring and research. Speakers: Vaisala President & CEO
Kjell Forsén, President of Vaisala Inc. Scott J. Sternberg, and Chief Science
Officer, PhD Walter F. Dabberdt. Welcome!

More information:
Helena Marjaranta
Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications
Tel. +358 40 581 9102

About Vaisala
Vaisala is a global leader in environmental and industrial measurement. Building
on more than 70 years of experience, Vaisala contributes to a better quality of
life by providing a comprehensive range of innovative observation and
measurement products and services for meteorology, weather critical operations
and controlled environments. Headquartered in Finland, Vaisala employs over
1300 professionals worldwide and is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki.
