AUDIENCEX announced their ongoing collaboration with client Boxed Water on actively working towards greater sustainability in digital marketing. The collaboration serves up compelling creative assets highlighting the sustainable benefits of Boxed Water(TM) to a naturally receptive audience, avoiding energy and emissions that can be incurred with the mass data transfer of ads. Throughout Boxed Water(TM) campaigns developed by AUDIENCEX's creative team, from always-on brand creative to campaigns featuring the brand's newest products - Jurassic World-inspired cartons, informative messaging educates the consumer about sustainability issues while contextualizing the brand's products and how they reduce the carbon footprint.

In interactive, high impact creative formats, this messaging actively engages the consumer, ensuring that not only do they retain the product information but the purpose behind it. With AXVS, brand video creative centers sustainability beyond the messaging itself, measurably decreasing the carbon impact of serving the ads themselves. This adaptive streaming technology decreases data waste in serving video content within ad units, ensuring both a faster, more efficient ad is served to the user, and that the carbon impact of the data transfer itself is significantly reduced.

By leveraging privacy-safe AXi tools such as predictive analytics and custom audience modeling, ads are served across all formats and channels to the audiences most likely to engage with them. While this clearly improves campaign performance, it also further reduces the carbon impact of the campaign by avoiding energy and emissions that can be incurred with the mass data transfer of broad, inefficient media placements.