US Critical Metals Corp. announced that it has finalized a detailed mapping and sampling program on its Clayton Ridge Lithium Property located in Esmeralda County, Nevada (the "Property" or "Clayton Ridge"). The Property spans a total of approximately 3,600 acreages and is located within the Clayton Valley region, which is the only lithium producing region in the United States.

USCM has the option to acquire a 100% interest in the Property. Mapping results show broad areas of lithium-bearing claystones and volcanic tuffs suggesting a broad lateral extension of mineralization. The mineralized zones extend throughout the Property with individual areas covering a surface area of up to 0.5 kilometer by 1.0 kilometer.

The new mapping and data delineate a robust lithium bearing system that may prove to be a significant addition to the historic results. The results also further expand the understanding of the geological systems present and enhance the working model for the Property. The map set forth below outlines the geologic systems present and all sampling completed to date.

Lithium mineralization is generally encountered within the waterlain tuffs or tuffaceous claystone and siltstone. However, anomalous lithium values have been identified in airfall tuffs, expanding the overall prospective host rocks. The prospective lithium bearing package is underlain by a sequence of lithic tuffs which form a floor to lithium mineralization and in places, the floor comprises Paleozoic dolomites.

Notwithstanding, the overall thickness of the mineralized package could be a few hundred meters thick locally. The Company will be forthcoming with additional information relating to estimates of true thickness and related cross selections. To date, 315 rock chip samples have been collected within the Property area.

Assay results from the exploration campaign confirm the initial lithium grades from the historical work. Overall, most samples taken last year show anomalous lithium values, which indicates a broad mineralized system. Summary results from 315 rock chip samples include the following: Sample grades from 950ppm Li to trace including 57 samples with a grade of over 500ppm Li, 106 samples with a grade of over 400ppm Li and 141 samples with a grade of over 300ppm Li; and Average grade of 308ppm Li with a standard deviation of 212ppm Li.

The expansion of the original claim block proved to be a critical strategic component to the exploration efforts as many of the claystone/tuff lithium targets fall within the new expanded block. Additional mapping may be needed to further delineate other targets, nonetheless there is sufficient data to initiate permitting for a phase one drilling program. The Company will be forthcoming with specifics relating to the proposed drill program and permitting process with the Bureau of Land Management.