United Cannabis Corporation announced that it has entered into an agreement with NuAxess 2, Inc. to offer the Company's patented Prana Hemp products and other United Cannabis CBD-centric products to select companies and their employees enrolled in its health plans. Under the terms of the preliminary agreement, which is subject to completing mutual due diligence, signing a definitive agreement, and board approval, NuAxess will endorse United Cannabis as the exclusive provider of CBD products to its membership for a period of 5 years. The NuAxess Smart Plan is a self-funded, consumer driven, and value-based health insurance solution for small to mid-size employers, freelancers and other alternative workers who are part of the emerging 'gig' economy. Traditional insured health plans are typically inflexible, costly and do not provide adequate insurance, whereas value-based health care encourages wellness in conjunction with new therapies and treatments as well as financial incentives. NuAxess offers members comprehensive major medical health insurance coverage and open access to medical providers of their own choosing at affordable rates.