16/Jan/2012 Beating the Blues to be used in Veterans Administration (VA) pilot.

Ultrasis, the provider of interactive healthcare services, is pleased to announce that its flagship product for the treatment of depression, Beating the Blues, is to be used in a pilot project by the US Veterans Administration ("VA").

Beating the Blues will be evaluated by Veterans Administration researchers in a pilot project that will examine the potential for Beating the Blues to be delivered in a 'peer to peer' model by veterans who will have been trained to act as mentors and given ongoing support by existing clinical services. Veterans are often strongly motivated to help one another and the expected outcome will be that peer support will increase the acceptance and successful completion of treatment.

The study will be led by researchers from the VA, C. Beau Nelson, Ph.D., Kristen Abraham, Ph.D., Heather Walters, M.S., and Marcia Valenstein, M.D., M.S

Nigel Brabbins, Chief Executive of Ultrasis said:

"We are delighted to be supporting this project to look at how Beating the Blues can add value to the services provided by the VA and believe that this will lead to wider adoption of the program within military health care."

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