TZ Limited announced that Mr. Scott Beeton resigned as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") effective 17 September 2021. The board of TZ Limited appointed Mr. Mario Vecchio as the new CEO. Mr. Vecchio has a successful track record in building technology-based companies. Throughout his career, Mr. Vecchio has developed significant technical expertise through positions in global companies including Siemens and Cisco Systems. He enjoyed success as a founder of Progility Technologies. Mr. Vecchio then joined APJC Bigswitch. Next came Aryaka Networks. Aryaka Networks is currently under a sale process. Mr. Vecchio briefly joined the board of TZ Limited in 2018, but due to the commitment required by Aryaka Networks, had to resign as a Non-Executive Director. During the period he was a TZ Director, he developed an in-depth knowledge of the business and its potential. Mr. Vecchi has tabled a strategic proposal centred on TZ being focused as a "cloud-based software consumption business" with a detailed plan for revenue growth.