Urs Hügli takes on additional Board of Director mandates within Tamedia

Zurich, 6 January 2016 - Urs Hügli, CEO of search.ch until last summer and previously Head of Classified Online and long-time CEO of homegate.ch, accepted additional Board of Director mandates at Tamedia's digital holdings tutti.ch and trendsales.dk in Copenhagen. He also serves on the Boards of Swisscom Directories AG and Homegate AG. Furthermore, as part of a consulting assignment with ricardo.ch, Urs Hügli will support the strategic development of the vehicle platforms autoricardo.ch and car4you.ch.

In addition to his mandates with the Swiss media group Tamedia, Urs Hügli is the new Chairman of the Board of Blueglass Interactive AG in Zurich and a member of the Advisory Board of the Berlin-based Internet start-up LegalBase.

Until the merger between search.ch and local.ch in mid-2015, Urs Hügli was CEO of search.ch AG. Previously, as CEO of Homegate AG from 2001 to 2009, he was instrumental in building and expanding the leading Swiss real estate portal. Subsequently, from 2010 to 2012, he was in charge of Tamedia's Classified Online division which, aside from homegate.ch, also comprised various platforms involving job ads, car, dating and classified advertisements.

Media Release (PDF)

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