TUGA Innovations, Inc. announced it has entered into a non-binding letter of intent with air purification specialist Rensair LLC (“Rensair”) regarding a potential commercial relationship to integrate air quality technology into the TUGA product line. Founded in May 2020 by Danish twins Christian and Frederik Hendriksen, Rensair is headquartered in London with operations in the UK, Europe, USA, and Asia. The company's unique combination of high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) and ultraviolet C (UVC) technology was originally proven in the Scandinavian healthcare sector and refined over two decades.

Applications extend across numerous industries, from hospitals, care homes, dental practices, and offices, to gyms, entertainment venues, retail outlets, and now into the automotive sector. To-date, Rensair has delivered units to a total of 40 countries on five different continents with over 800 customers including CBRE, Disney, Morgan Stanley, PepsiCo, SNCF, and the UK National Health Service (NHS). If the Company and Rensair pursue a collaboration, the Company anticipates this will include Rensair developing a specific environmental control unit for the TUGA vehicle to purify, clean and monitor air quality inside the vehicle.

This includes filtering and destroying pathogens & organic compounds such as COVID viruses. The proposed introduction of the Rensair technology would see the provision of hospital quality air for the TUGA driver and passenger, all while monitoring air quality inside and outside. The benefits to the occupants are apparent: while commuting in urban traffic, a regular source of air pollution, air quality controls inside the TUGA will help provide situational awareness of exterior conditions while offering a healthier way to transit throughout congested city centres.