9 September 2015

Metinvest Group has invested UAH 26.3 billion to develop Northern, Ingulets and Central Iron Ore Mining and Enrichment Works in nine years. The bulk of investments were channelled into refurbishing technical equipment; into health, safety and environmental projects, and into the social sphere.

A key part of the investments went into upgrading production facilities, purchasing new machinery and implementing modern production technologies. The Company has invested UAH 20.3 billion since 2006.

Investments into health, safety and environmental projects have comprised around UAH 1.5 billion over the nine years. This produced positive results: the injury rate has decreased four-fold to several incidents per year since 2006.

Metinvest's GOKs are implementing modern environmental practices and technologies in order to reduce the environmental footprint of their operations. In just the most recent five years, environmental investments have exceeded UAH 4 billion.

In order to improve working conditions, a "Workers' Amenities" Program is being carried out at the Mining Division's enterprises. Investments channelled into this area over the last three years have comprised UAH 31 million. At the same time, the enterprises are supporting social initiatives - culture centres, and sports and other facilities. Since 2006, over UAH 0.5 billion has been invested into this area.

Furthermore, Metinvest's GOKs have been allocating more than UAH 35 million each year into the development of city infrastructure in Kriviy Rih as part of its social partnership, including to improve streets and parks and to build sports facilities. In addition, the enterprises have a grant program to support the best projects initiated by city residents. In 2015, the sum of such grants totalled UAH 4.5 million.

Metinvest Group's mining enterprises have paid more than UAH 33 billion into government budgets at all levels in the last nine years.

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