ATLANTA, Nov. 18 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- TRX, Inc. (Nasdaq: TRXI), a global technology company that develops and hosts software applications to process data records and automate manual processes, announced today that it was the winner of the 2008/9 ITM Project ICARUS Environmental Awards for Best Technology. The TRX Travel Analytics CO2 emissions calculator was selected by an independent panel of academics and environmental experts appointed by the ICARUS Advisory Group based on its comprehensive use of data sources to provide sound calculation methodology for CO2 emissions in air travel.

The TRX Travel Analytics CO2 emissions calculator ( assesses the amount of CO2 a company produces based on its specific corporate travel footprint. The sophisticated model matches detailed travel data from the corporation (such as arrival/departure cities, carriers, etc.) with worldwide flight schedules and aircraft information (the size and type of the plane, cabin information, etc.). Reporting modules provide corporations insight into how much CO2 its specific global air travel program has emitted, as well as how their program compares to industry averages, and enables corporations to determine the environmental impact of carrier mix and planned travel volume. TRX Travel Analytics also supplies the carbon calculator as a web service, enabling corporations to embed the calculator into their own web sites.

Best Technology, awarded to TRX as part of the Institute of Travel Managements' CSR project, was one of eight honors bestowed through the Project ICARUS Supplier Environmental Awards competition. Submissions were judged on 5 key criteria: Innovation, Leadership, Time-resilience, Scalability/Transferability, and Case Study material. Additionally, the Technology category was based on the quality of the methodology and technology used in the solution.

The judges stated "This high-quality category saw TRX win out for what the Stockholm Environment Institute considers to be 'likely the best currently available air travel carbon emissions calculator.' Transparency of calculation methodology is often not high in the carbon calculator market, but this is not the case for TRX's offering, whose product uses comprehensive and regularly updated data sources including major factors such as aircraft types, flight profile and distance, air traffic delays, cabin configurations, cargo on passenger flights, and load factor. The ability to be able to choose between carriers on carbon efficiency based on methodologically-sound and data-rich carbon calculators was called upon by the judges last year, and TRX has delivered this advance."

"This most recent award along with our previous recognition from the Stockholm Environment Institute for best CO2 emissions calculator further establishes the credibility of our products and our leadership in converting travel data into actionable insights for our customers," said Trip Davis, President and CEO of TRX. "We have quickly established the lead and benchmark in the carbon emissions space for travel. The calculator and supporting analytics offers our customers the ability to accurately and effectively manage their carbon footprints."

About TRX

TRX (Nasdaq: TRXI) is a global technology company. We develop and host software applications that process data records and automate manual processes, enabling our clients to optimize performance and control costs. We are a leading provider to the travel industry. We deliver our technology applications in an on-demand environment to travel agencies, corporations, travel suppliers, government agencies, credit card associations, credit card issuing banks, and third-party administrators. TRX is headquartered in Atlanta with operations and associates in North America, Europe, and Asia. Please visit the company's Website at .

About ITM

The Institute of Travel Management UK & Ireland (ITM) represents over 1,000 business travel and meetings buyers and suppliers with a spend of over euro 7 billion per annum. The not-for-profit association provides benchmarking, best practice, education and networks. .

About Project ICARUS

Project ICARUS was established in 2006 with three goals. To target 60% reduction in emissions across the business travel sector, to provide a toolkit to assist buyers to achieve this and an accreditation programme to recognize those who engage, to award innovative suppliers who engage in environmental impact reduction product development. The project received government funding through the Omega Partnership. .