ATLANTA, 02 AUGUST 2012 - TRX, Inc. ( (OTCQB: TRXI), a global leader in travel data and technology, today announced The Boeing Company's Corporate Travel Department expanded services with TRX to include off-shore, on-line booking fulfillment and ticketing, as well as settlement and reconciliation.

Since 2008, Boeing's Corporate Travel Department, an Airline Reporting Corporation (ARC) travel department, has used TRX's leading mid-office solution CORREX® for quality control and auto ticketing.

"We are excited to expand our relationship with Boeing," said TRX President and CEO Shane Hammond. "Our mission is to drive cost out of our clients' businesses by effectively leveraging our vast travel domain expertise in meaningful ways to solve client and market problems. Boeing is a long-term, valued client, and our services will propel their success even further."

With more than a decade of domain knowledge and functional expertise in travel operations, TRX services helps clients increase efficiency, improve customer satisfaction, and drive results to the bottom-line.

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