605 page 1n 15 July 2001

Form 605

Corporatlons Ac2l 001

Section 6718

Notice of ceasing to be a substantial holder

k Company Name/Scheme ..-ril._j Nt.J t ('J €:tt.A-LS' Lr,o

ACN/ARSN 2 ..G:, oy...:?.. '21)

1. Oetalls of substantialholder(1)

Name C..rLA-l ANotl.K.vJ 51U1!1Jf'
ACN/ARSN (lf applicable)
The holder ceased to be a substantlalholder on

7ti ,1 4-

The prevlous notìce was giwn to the company on lltt
The prevlous nollce wasdated t '"l 13

2. Changes In relevant lnterests

Particularsor each change in,or changeIn the nature of.a relevant interest {2}or the substantialholder or anassociate (3}Invotlng securilles or thecompany or scheme, slncethe substantlalholder was lastrequired togivea substantialholdni gnollce to thecompany or scheme are as follows:

Date or change

P whose relevant lnterest changed

Nature or change (4}

Conslderallon giveninrelallon to change(S)

Class (6} and number or securities arrected

p ·svotes affected

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3. Changes In assoclatlon

The pcrsons who havc become assoclates (3} or.ceasedlo be associates or.or havechanged the nature or thelr assoclallon(7) wllh. thesubstantlalholder Inrelallon to volfng lnterestsIn the company or scheme are asrollows:

Name and ACN/ARSN fif appllcable}

Nature of associallon


4. Addresses

Theaddressesof persons named In thls form are as foUows:

l N•m•



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prlnt name C./LAt<:, rtNo(lK:w S-rv m:r.P capaclty

sign here c$d@ dateo7 l 0( l ?_O 1y...

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