Sergey Andronov was appointed Vice President of Transneft, JSC, on October 1, 2014.

His responsibilities in the Company will be overseeing issues related to accounting and planning of oil traffic, metrological support provided to the entities of Transneft, JSC system, organization of commercial operations and contract work in oil and oil product transportation.

This job position was introduced in the executive office of Transneft, JSC, to optimize the managerial load of the top managers of the Company, which increased considerably after the integration with the system of subsidiaries of Transnefteproduct, JSC.

Prior to his appointment, Sergey Aleksandrovich worked with Rosneft Oil Company, OJSC, as Director of the Department for Oil and Oil Product Export, Assistant to President of the oil company; he was in charge of export policy matters.

Sergey Andronov was born on December 20, 1969 in the town of Kstovo, Gorky Region. He has two diplomas of higher education. He is married and has two daughters.

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