Aug 25 (Reuters) - The Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) said on Thursday its third single mooring point (SPM-3), the only one currently loading oil at its Black Sea terminal, had passed an inspection.

Operations at SPM-3 at the terminal, the main route for Kazakhstan's oil exports, were halted on Wednesday so that the inspection could take place.

The other two loading points, SPM-1 and SPM-2, are still not operational after they were found to be damaged in August, sharply decreasing crude export capacity.

The third mooring point is working in an "intensive mode", the consortium said on Tuesday, and could load up to 3.5 million tonnes of oil per month. That is 60%-70% of the terminal's normal capacity, according to Reuters calculations.

CPC said flushing the cargo system on SPM-1 had started as part of preparations to replace the buoyancy tank. It said the process of choosing the firm to carry out the replacement was nearly completed.

(Reporting by Reuters; Editing by Edmund Blair)