Regulatory News:

Transgene (Paris:TNG) (Euronext : TNG) announces that it has engaged Natixis Oddo BHF SCA under a liquidity agreement concerning the Company’s ordinary shares (Euronext Paris - Code ISIN FR0005175080) for a one year period with effect as of January 2, 2020 subject to tacit renewal, in compliance with the applicable regulatory framework. The entry into force of this contract terminates the previous mandate entrusted to Kepler Cheuvreux and continues the share repurchase program described at section 5.6.2 of the Company’s 2018 Reference Document.

The following resources, which correspond to the closing balance of the Kepler Cheuvreux contract, have been transferred to a dedicated liquidity account to provide for marketing activities under the new contract:

  • 246,158 euros ; and
  • 164,183 Transgene Shares.

The new liquidity contract shall be suspended in the following situations:

  • the circumstances set out at Chapter II, Article 5 of the AMF decision n°2018-01 dated July 2, 2018; or
  • at the request of Transgene, under its responsibility.

The new liquidity contract may be terminated by Transgene at any time without notice or terminated by Natixis Oddo BHF SCA with two weeks’ notice.