Transcend Information, Inc. announced the name of the functional committees is Audit Committee. Date of occurrence of the change is June 21, 2024. Resume of the previous position holder: WANG,YI-HSIN, Independent Director of Transcend Information, Inc. (2)CHEN,YI-LIANG, Independent Director of Transcend Information, Inc. (3)CHEN,LO-MIN, Independent Director of Transcend Information, Inc. with name and resume of the new position holder: LIN,SHU-SHAN, Independent Director of Transcend Information, Inc. (2)LIN,JIA-XING, Independent Director of Transcend Information, Inc. (3)CHEN,SHI-HONG, Independent Director of Transcend Information, Inc. (4)KUO,TSUNG-MING, Independent Director of Transcend Information, Inc. Reason for the change: Re-election as term expired.