Tradeweb Markets Inc. announced it has launched Multi-Client Net Spotting, a new tool that significantly enhances how credit market participants access the U.S.Treasury market to hedge their risk. Multi-Client Net Spotting represents the next generation of electronic Net Spotting, an innovation that Tradeweb first introduced in 2019. Electronic spotting links a firm's trading in the institutional credit market to the U.S. Treasury marketplace all within the Tradeweb platform, replacing the cumbersome process of manually spotting spread trades with one that enables hundreds of billions of credit trading flow to be hedged electronically. The tool has grown quickly in popularity, with $818 billion submitted for spotting during 2020. While Net Spotting allows clients to efficiently aggregate and net Treasury spots across transactions, and dealers to hedge without delays, Multi-Client Net Spotting improves on the process by netting hedging activity across all Tradeweb clients spotting at the same time.