Torex Gold Resources Inc. reported that an illegal blockade by an external union has been removed at its ELG Mine Complex in southwest Mexico. Hector Astudillo, the Governor of Guerrero State acted decisively on January 26th, 2018, to lift the illegal blockade by the Los Mineros Union and peacefully re-establish the rule of law. The blockade led to conflict between communities and denied to thousands of citizens their constitutionally protected right to work. The efforts by the Governor means Torex now has access to the main plant access gate, the Company's accommodation facilities, security for the main plant site, and for the El Limon Pit -- which had been previously inaccessible. The Company preferred to resolve the conflict through dialog and negotiation. However, it recently became clear the conditions for successful dialog were not available as the blockaders continue to demand the Company take actions it has no legal right to take. They also demand the Company renegotiate land lease agreements, despite those current terms already amongst the most generous in the country. These unreasonable demands and the dramatic escalation of violence by Los Mineros supporters, meant negotiation was not possible. This is when the Governor and state officials moved in to restore law and order.