Niki Resort, Inc. entered into share transfer contract to acquire Kaminohara, Kogetsuen, Rindodai, Nasu Villa Grounds and Business from Tokyo Tatemono Co. Ltd. (TSE:8804) and Tokyo Tatemono Resort Co., Ltd. on January 17, 2014. Post transaction, business will be established as a new company called Forest Hills Co., Ltd. Tokyo Tatemono business reported total assets of ¥97 million, total liabilities of ¥95 million and owners equity of ¥2 million for period ended December 31, 2012.

The transaction is subject to approval from Board of Directors of Tokyo Tatemono and Tokyo Tatemono Resort. The transaction was resolved by Board of Directors of Tokyo Tatemono on January 17, 2014. The transaction is expected to be completed on April 1, 2014.