TMK Runs Premium Pipes at NOVATEK's Gas Field

TMK, a leading global manufacturer and supplier of steel pipes for the oil and gas industry, has run its casing pipes with ÒÌÊ PF premium connections in the onshore and offshore parts of the well at NOVATEK's Yurkharovskoye field.

ÒÌÊ specialists already provided support of the two similar runs at this field in 2011 and in 2012. Then it was the first instance of Russian pipes being used in the construction of wells consisting of a vertical onshore part and a horizontal offshore one. The total depth of the runs was 5,602 and 5,786 metres correspondingly.

This time, a column of 204 casing pipes with ÒÌÊ PF premium connections was also run into the well that starts on land and goes under the bed of the Karsk Sea. The total depth of the run reached 5,845 metres. As of today, that is the deepest well made with ÒÌÊ premium casing pipes. Field tests confirmed the column's serviceability.

"We continue accumulating the valuable experience of running pipe columns with our premium connections. The use of TMK's premium pipes in the Far North for deep and complex shape wells is a great evidence of their high performance and a source of important data for our experts enabling them to improve our products and work out effective innovative solutions," says Sergei Bilan, TMK's Vice President for Premium Products and Services.

TMK Runs Premium Pipes at NOVATEK's Gas Field (212.25 KB,pdf)

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