Rovi Corporation announced that it intends to pursue the sale of its Rovi Entertainment Store business as part of its ongoing strategic efforts to focus the Company on growth opportunities related to its core enabling technologies and services. The Company has appointed GCA Savvian Advisors, LLC to handle the sale process. "The Rovi Entertainment Store has grown significantly since Rovi acquired it in February 2011, and we believe it will continue to grow and provide an excellent platform for on-demand media delivery as retailers and content owners move to distribute more content online,” said Tom Carson, President and Chief Executive of Rovi.

“However, we are working to drive Rovi's future growth and increase operational efficiencies around a strategic plan building on our core assets and IP, and to ensure the management team is fully focused on that effort. We are aligning primarily around delivering enabling solutions for our service provider customers and using those efforts to also generate growth with our Consumer Electronics and other customers. Consequently, we have decided to sell the Rovi Entertainment Store business.”