Titan Petrochemicals Group Limited announced that the Company is required to publish the 2020 Annual Results, 2021 Interim Results, 2021 Annual Results and 2022 Interim Results pursuant to Rule 13.49 of the Listing Rules; and despatch the 2020 Annual Reports, 2021 Interim Reports, 2021 Annual Reports and 2022 Interim Report to the Shareholders in accordance to Rule 13.46(1) and 13.48(1) of the Listing Rules respectively. The Directors are in the course of retrieving the remaining books and records of the Company and its subsidiaries and have discussed with the auditors of the Company on the conducting of outstanding audit works and the timetable for the publication of the Results and Reports. The company announced delay in publication of 2020 annual results, 2021 interim results, 2021 annual results and 2022 interim results and dispatch of 2020 annual reports, 2021 interim reports, 2021 annual reports and 2022 interim reports.