Tieto Corporation   PRESS RELEASE   8 January 2013 at 10.00 am EET

Tieto will supply Taitoa with business information exchange service that includes electronic purchase and sales invoices, payslip and printing. Taitoa produces accounting and human resources management services for the owners of the company which are municipalities, federations of municipalities and limited companies owned by municipalities across the nation. The objective of the company, founded in 2010, is to offer unified service solutions to its customers.  

The services delivered by Tieto are related to the accounting services produced by Taitoa for its customers. The value of the contract is EUR 3.5 million for duration of three years. At the first stage the services are initialized for use by new customers, and later made available to all Taitoa customers according to a phased schedule. The use of the Tieto business information exchange service is expected to increase annual volumes to 2 million purchase invoices, 3 million sales invoices, and 900,000 payslips by 2015.  

A selection criterion was an overall economic affordability, which was formed by the service price, assessed descriptions regarding the service quality, and additional features. Competition was extremely tough, because several significant bidders contributed to the offer selection. The invoicing and payslip service is part of the Tieto Business Information Exchange (BIX) service, through which approximately two million business transactions are made every day.

"Our owners have had a very fragmented model as an invoice processing solution, a wide range of existing e-invoicing operators and scanning and printing service providers. In addition, purchase invoices are partially scanned independently and our customers use a number of pre-invoicing systems. We would need a reproducible service concept as a replacement, which efficiently enables standard services for all of our customers," says Taitoa Service Director, Tiia Mäkiranta-Säisä.

"The contract with Taitoa increases Tieto's strong participation in the reform and modernisation of services in the municipal sector. Through collaboration we are able to bring added value to the everyday life of people in each municipal and at the same time generate significant savings in the long term," says Tieto Value Networks Director, Timo Kolehmainen.

For further information, please contact:

Samu Puhakka, Sales Manager, Value Networks, Tieto, tel. +358 (0)50 587 9196, samu.puhakka(at)tieto.com, www.tieto.com/bix

Maria Vuontisvaara, Director, Taitoa, tel. +358 (0)20 610 9213, maria.vuontisvaara(at)taitoa.fi, www.taitoa.fi


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Tieto is the leading IT service company in Northern Europe providing IT and product engineering services. Our highly specialized IT solutions and services, complemented by a strong technology platform, create tangible business benefits for our local and global customers. As a trusted transformation partner, we work closely with our customers and understand their unique needs. With approximately 18 000 experts, we aim to become a leading service integrator creating the best service experience in IT. www.tieto.com

Taitoa is the largest national accounting and human resources management operator in the municipal sector. The company produces accounting and human resources management services for the owners of Taitoa - municipalities, federations of municipalities and limited companies owned by municipalities across the nation. Based on its vision, Taitoa offers a nationally unified service experience to all municipalities. Taitoa employs over 300 accounting and human resources management professionals. www.taitoa.fi

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