Therapeutics Solutions International, Inc. reported positive animal and human brain cell data demonstrating inhibition in microglial activation of IL-1 beta, IL-6, and TNF-a. NeuroStilbene was also shown to induce neurogenic growth factors and protected from peroxide and kainic-acid induced apoptosis. NeuroStilbene is a diluted preparation of NanoStilbene and will soon be available from WCTE, Inc. whom have recently engaged in a multi-million-dollar sales agreement. NanoStilbene is a Patented and highly concentrated nanoemulsion of nanoparticle pterostilbene, the active ingredient contained in both formulations. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is caused by repetitive concussive/sub-concussive hits to the head sustained over a period of years and is often found in football players. The condition is characterized by memory loss, impulsive/erratic behavior, impaired judgment, aggression, depression, and dementia. In many patients with CTE, it is anatomically characterized by brain atrophy, reduced mass of frontal and temporal cortices, and medial temporal lobe.