On December 19, 2016, Bulldog Investors, LLC sent a letter to company secretary of The Swiss Helvetia Fund Inc. In the letter, Bulldog Investors stated that the recent board changes appeared to be taken for the primary purpose of ‘reserving’ an unelected seat for a Schroder-friendly director and thwarting the effectiveness of a stockholder vote at the 2017 annual meeting, which is improper under Delaware law unless the Board has a compelling justification. In particular, the Board's previously undisclosed decision to effectively increase the size of the Board from 6 to 7 members immediately after the 2016 annual meeting by appointing a director to fill a ‘vacancy’ with a director that has a business relationship with the Fund's investment adviser (and who would not have to stand for election at the next annual meeting) and switching gears just a few months later to decrease the size of the Board to 5 is suspicious. Bulldog Investors stated that at a minimum, it requests (1) that the Board explain why it took each of the actions discussed herein, and (2) that Jay S. Calhoun stand for election at the 2017 annual meeting.