6,671,720 Ordinary Shares of The Hydration Pharmaceuticals Company Limited are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 10-DEC-2023. These Ordinary Shares will be under lockup for 730 days starting from 10-DEC-2021 to 10-DEC-2023.

17,482,735 fully paid ordinary shares classified by ASX as restricted securities and to be held in escrow until 14 December 2023, being 24 months from the date of Quotation.

1,600,000 options exercisable at $0.20 on or before 31 August 2024, classified by ASX as restricted securities and to be held in escrow until 14 December 2023, being 24 months from the date of Quotation.

2,000,000 options exercisable at $0.29 on or before 1 December 2026, classified by ASX as restricted securities and to be held in escrow until 14 December 2023, being 24 months from the date of Quotation.

300,000 options exercisable at $0.29 on or before 31 August 2024, classified by ASX as restricted securities and to be held in escrow until 14 December 2023, being 24 months from the date of Quotation.

2,594,951 options exercisable at $0.45 on or before 13 January 2029, classified by ASX as restricted securities and to be held in escrow until 14 December 2023, being 24 months from the date of Quotation.

179,375 options exercisable at $0.45 on or before 30 April 2029, classified by ASX as restricted securities and to be held in escrow until 14 December 2023, being 24 months from the date of Quotation.

713,497 options exercisable at $0.45 on or before 2 May 2029, classified by ASX as restricted securities and to be held in escrow until 14 December 2023, being 24 months from the date of Quotation.

1,500,000 options exercisable at $0.5075 on or before 13 December 2024, classified by ASX as restricted securities and to be held in escrow until 14 December 2023, being 24 months from the date of Quotation.

1,500,000 options exercisable at $0.6525 on or before 13 December 2024, classified by ASX as restricted securities and to be held in escrow until 14 December 2023, being 24 months from the date of Quotation.

8,962,224 fully paid ordinary shares classified by ASX as restricted securities and to be held in escrow until 18 March 2022, being 12 months from the date of issue.

2,416,700 fully paid ordinary shares classified by ASX as restricted securities and to be held in escrow until 3 December 2022, being 12 months from the date of issue.

The total number of Shares subject to voluntary escrow is 37,911,119 consists of 10,835,361 shares, 10,835,361 shares, 9,568,677 shares and 6,671,720 shares Escrow period ends on 6 months from Listing, 12 months from Listing, 18 months from Listing and 24 months from Listing.